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Flourless Brownie Cookies


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First Batch Second Batch a few days later

Meredith made Flourless Brownie Cookies from Sprinkle Bakes (LOCAL[@rev]). I think I put too much egg white in these cookies. They really spread when they hit the tray.

On Sunday, Meredith gave them another try. Her comments are:

Only the whites of 2 large eggs this time. Definitely looked thicker, but I was still feeling nervous so I tossed in another spoonful of cocoa powder. The cookies that had a lot of walnut pieces seemed to hold together pretty well, but the ones that were a little scant on the walnut front spread a lot still. But still less than last time. Topped with a little sprinkle of Maldon salt before baking.

And did the 5 minute rest after scooping onto the tray. I missed that direction last time.